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Rubies Red 

We blossom in our bloom

Put flower in our power

Sharing the light with love

Sharing the love with the light.



"Our vision is to help women become the best versions of themselves, in order to live authentic and purposed lives."




- Empower women to confidently face every transitional stage of life’s journey with direction and preparedness.


- Provide counsel with responsibility.


- Engender personal awareness for successful living.


- Teach leadership with accountability and responsibility. 




Psalm 45: 4-5

God had given this Prophetic word: ‘Go forth in awe inspiring deeds – defender of truth, delivered with humility seeking justice always’.


Our mission is to inspire women to self-Love, by cultivating value, confidence and our identity in Christ. We take women on a journey of self-discovery and unlimited potential to bring awareness of purpose, gifts, talents and abilities. When we love ourselves on purpose, we can positively affect change in our lives and positively impact the lives of those around us.




We inspire women to be better versions of themselves. 


- We live from an authentic place

- We learn to increase in self value and worth. 

- We take ownership of lives

- We positively change and transform our lives, our communities and our spheres of influence. 


Ethical values

- Prayer, praise, power and transformational change.

- To promote self-care, self-awareness and self-love.

- To inspire women to be the best version of themselves. 

- To endorse equality, equity, and respect

- To uphold wisdom. 

- To embrace divine power

Rubies Red: A rare stone of beauty and wealth. A woman is more valuable than rubies and jewels.


- Value: Proverbs 31:10 for her price is far above rubies, nothing can compare to such a one.

- Wisdoms Crown: seeking Wisdom in all things – ‘Her’s is a crown of Glory and honour – The merchandise of Wisdom is better than gold. `

- Proverbs 1:9 Symbolic to the beautification of adorning the head and neck with the jewels of Wisdom, this passes to generations from those who carry and share Wisdom. 

- Virtues: To uphold the virtues of grace, courage, humility, truth and justice.

- Proverbs 31 outlines the virtuous woman who leads from a place of integrity, self-control and love

- Proverbs 20:27 the spirit of man is a candle/lamp of the lord, searching all the inner depths of the heart.  

- You are the light of the world that cannot be hidden; let your light so shine for all to see and glorify your Father in Heaven.

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